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Florida Court Records

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Miami-Dade County Arrest Records

When a crime is suspected to have occurred in Miami-Dade County, law enforcement agencies, such as the Miami-Dade Police Department, typically initiate an arrest if they have probable cause. Following an arrest, the suspect will usually be detained in one of the county correctional facilities managed by the Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department and taken through the booking process, which generates an arrest record. Notable detention facilities in Miami-Dade include the Metro West Detention Center, Pre-Trial Detention Center, and Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center.

Arrest records are a specific type of public record, alongside court, vital, and property records. These records are integral to the Miami-Dade County court process, as they often form the basis for criminal prosecution within the judicial system.

The Central Records Bureau of the Miami-Dade Police Department is tasked with managing and disseminating public records for the county, including booking reports, incident reports, and crash reports. However, individuals can find arrest information in Miami-Dade County court records and other publicly available documents.

Are Arrest Records Public in Miami-Dade County?

Yes. Arrest records are considered public records in Miami-Dade County. This means that they are accessible to the public as per Florida Sunshine Law. However, certain types of information may be exempt from public disclosure, including:

  • A juvenile arrest record.
  • A sealed or expunged record.
  • Information deemed confidential by court order or statute, such as certain information related to child victims or witnesses.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records in Miami-Dade County are those available for general viewing, and they typically contain the following information:

  • Personal Information: The full name, date of birth, gender, and physical description of the arrested individual.
  • Arrest Details: The arrest date, time, and location.
  • Charges: A list of the charges or offenses for which the individual was arrested.
  • Booking Information: Data about the booking process, including the booking number and the facility where the individual was detained.
  • Arresting Agency: The law enforcement agency responsible for the arrest.
  • Bail and Bond Information: Details about any bail or bond set and whether it has been posted.
  • Court Information: Dates and information regarding initial court appearances or hearings related to the arrest.

Miami-Dade County Crime Rate

As reported in the 2021 Florida Uniform Crime Report, Miami-Dade County witnessed a total crime index of 74,857 incidents in 2021, marking a 7.6% decrease from the previous year's figures. Offenses reported within the index crimes category showed varying levels of prevalence: murder accounted for 146 incidents, while instances of rape numbered 901. Additionally, there were 2,100 reported cases of robbery, alongside 8,824 instances of aggravated assault. Property-related offense reports revealed 5,348 burglaries, 50,138 cases of larceny, and 7,400 incidents of motor vehicle theft.

Miami Dade County Arrest Statistics

According to the 2021 Florida Uniform Crime Report, law enforcement in Miami-Dade County executed 54,904 arrests. This figure comprised 53,319 adult arrests and 1,585 juvenile arrests. The county's 2021 arrest rate was 2,009.7 per 100,000 inhabitants, and larceny (5,439) had the highest arrest number.

Find Miami-Dade County Arrest Records

Individuals can leverage local, state, and federal resources to obtain arrest records in Miami-Dade County. Each level provides specific tools and databases that can aid in the search for detailed arrest information and inmate lookup.

The Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) offers useful resources for finding arrest records. Individuals can visit the MDPD Public Records Center online to submit a request for arrest records, providing as much detail as possible to facilitate the search. However, requesters must create an account before they can request a record.

On the other hand, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) provides an online platform for accessing criminal history information, which includes arrest notations, at the state level. By visiting the FDLE's Criminal History Information website, users can search for arrest records, though there is a $24 fee associated with this service.

Finally, a resource like the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Inmate Locator is invaluable for finding individuals in federal custody. The BOP Inmate Locator is designed to locate individuals arrested for federal crimes. The tool can also provide information about those currently incarcerated or in federal prison since 1982.

For an effective search across these platforms, it is essential to arm oneself with as much identifying information about the subject as possible. This includes the individual's full name, date of birth, case number, and date of arrest, which can significantly narrow the search and yield precise results.

Free Arrest Record Search in Miami-Dade County

Searching for free arrest records in Miami-Dade County involves using different means, such as an official government resource or third-party services if necessary.

The Miami-Dade Police Department is the primary resource for accessing arrest records in Miami-Dade. As mentioned in the previous section, the agency's official website includes a section dedicated to records requests. Individuals will need to make a formal request for arrest records, typically done online, by mail, or in person at the police department's office. Direct requests enable inquiries to obtain official records from the law enforcement agency responsible for an arrest.

In addition, several third-party websites provide access to arrest records. These websites often offer basic information for free but may charge for more detailed reports. They can be useful for locating information quickly; however, it is important to verify the accuracy and completeness of the data.

Get Miami-Dade County Criminal Records

Criminal records in Miami-Dade County are official documents that detail an individual's criminal history within the county. They include information on arrests, charges, court proceedings, convictions, and sentences. The records are preserved by various law enforcement agencies and courts within the county and serve multiple purposes, including background checks.

Several options are available to individuals seeking to access their own or someone else's criminal records in Miami-Dade County, depending on the agency one is requesting from.

For instance, those seeking to access criminal records through the Miami-Dade Police Department can visit the Public Records Request portal and click Background/Clearance Letter Request. From there, they can request a criminal history record. New users must set up an account, while existing users can simply log in. Alternatively, individuals can request a criminal record at the police department's street address, although this requires an appointment.

Individuals seeking criminal records through the county court system can follow a different procedure.

Online Access through the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts

One of the most convenient ways to access these records is through the Miami Dade Clerk of Courts' online search tool. First, one should visit the Miami Dade Clerk of Courts website and navigate to the Criminal Justice Case Search section. By entering the required information, such as an individual's name, case number, or other identifiers, one can search for and review the relevant records. These records can be viewed online and printed if necessary.

In-Person Requests at the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts Office

Visiting the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts office is an option for those who prefer or need to make an in-person request. One can visit the address below:

Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building
1351 Northwest 12th Street
Miami, FL 33125

Individuals can request the records at the public service counter by providing necessary information such as a person's name, date of birth, or case number.

Mail Requests through the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts

Mail requests are another method for obtaining criminal records from the court system. Interested individuals should prepare a written request that includes all relevant information, such as the full name, date of birth, and specific records requested. This request should be mailed to the address below:

Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts
Criminal Division
1351 Northwest 12th Street
Miami, FL 33125

It is essential to know that when ordering certified copies, individuals should expect to pay additional fees and service charges. If an individual is unsure of the year or case number, an additional search fee of $2 per year per name will be applied for each year searched across all relevant documents.

The accepted methods of payment for these services are as follows:

  • Online: Visa, Discover, Mastercard, or American Express.
  • By mail: Cashier's check or money order made payable to the "Clerk of the Courts".
  • In-person: Cash, Visa, Discover, Mastercard, American Express, cashier's check, or money order.

Personal checks are not accepted as a form of payment.

Miami-Dade County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Knowing the difference between arrest records and criminal records in Miami-Dade County is important for understanding a person's interactions with the justice system. These two documents serve different purposes and provide information about the criminal justice process.

Arrest records are created when someone is taken into custody by the police. These records are usually kept by the law enforcement agency that made the arrest. They can be accessed by the public, but some information may be restricted, especially if a case is still under investigation or contains sensitive data.

Criminal records, on the other hand, provide a complete history of a person's criminal activities within the county. These records include information from arrest records, as well as details about the charges filed, court proceedings, and the outcomes of cases. Criminal records also list guilty verdicts, pleas, sentencing details, probation/parole information, dismissals, acquittals, and expungements. The records are kept by a few public agencies, including the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts, law enforcement departments, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrests in Miami-Dade County typically remain on a person's record indefinitely. Specifically, Florida statutes do not include provisions for the automatic removal or expungement of arrest records over time. Therefore, to remove an arrest from a record, an individual must undergo a formal legal process to seal or expunge the record. This process involves meeting precise eligibility criteria outlined in Florida law and obtaining a court order.

Expunge Miami-Dade County Arrest Records

The process for expunging arrest records in Miami-Dade County is governed by state law, specifically Florida Statutes Chapter 943. Expunging a record involves physically destroying it, making it as if the arrest never occurred. Alternatively, sealing a record means hiding it from the public—and although it remains confidential, some government agencies can still access it. Both processes benefit individuals seeking to move past their criminal histories.

Generally, to expunge or seal an arrest record in Florida, the subject must not have been convicted or found guilty of the charge in question. This means the charge must have been dropped, dismissed, or resulted in an acquittal. Furthermore, the person seeking expungement must not have had a previous criminal record sealed or expunged anywhere in the state. Certain offenses, such as sexual battery, serious violent crimes, and crimes against minors, are ineligible for expungement or sealing.

The first step in the expungement process is obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility from the FDLE. This requires submitting an application, a fingerprint card, a certified copy of the court case's final disposition, and a processing fee ($75 check/money order payable to FDLE). The FDLE will review the application to ensure it meets all statutory requirements. Once issued, the Certificate of Eligibility is valid for twelve months and must be submitted to the court along with a petition to expunge or seal the record.

Filing a petition to seal or expunge in Miami-Dade County involves preparing a detailed legal document outlining the request and the supporting grounds. This petition must be filed in the court having jurisdiction over where the arrest occurred. Florida law requires notification to the state attorney's office to approve or object to the relief. A hearing date will be set if the office files no objection or the court overrules an objection. At the court hearing, a judge will consider the petition, and if all requirements are met, an order to expunge or seal the record will be issued.

Once the court grants an expungement or sealing, the Clerk's office will serve the order on all agencies with arrest records, including the arresting law enforcement agency, the FDLE, and any other relevant entities. These agencies must remove the records from their databases or seal them as directed. For expunged records, the files are physically destroyed, effectively erasing the event from the individual's history.

Miami-Dade County Arrest Warrants

In Miami-Dade County, arrest warrants are legal documents issued by a judge/magistrate permitting law enforcement officers to arrest individuals suspected of committing crimes within the county. Arrest warrants are governed by Florida Statutes Chapter 901, which outlines the procedures and requirements for obtaining and serving warrants.

Per the Florida Statutes §901.02(1) and the Fourth Amendment, arrest warrants are only issued based on probable cause. Probable cause refers to the existence of sufficient evidence to believe that a crime has occurred and that the individual named in the warrant committed it. It may be established through witness statements, law enforcement investigations, or other credible information presented to the issuing judge or magistrate.

To obtain an arrest warrant in Miami-Dade County, law enforcement officers or prosecutors must submit an affidavit to a judge or magistrate detailing the facts or circumstances supporting the belief that the individual named in the warrant committed a crime (i.e., probable cause).

Upon review of the affidavit, the judge or magistrate will issue an arrest warrant if convinced about the stated offense. The warrant contains the following information:

  • The name of the individual to be arrested (the defendant).
  • A description of the alleged offense(s) committed.
  • The date the warrant was issued.
  • The issuing court's jurisdiction (Miami-Dade County).
  • Any specific conditions or instructions for executing the warrant.
  • The signature of the issuing authority (generally the judge or magistrate).

Once an arrest warrant is issued, it becomes an active legal document, granting law enforcement officers the authority to locate and apprehend the individual named on the warrant. Officers may execute the warrant by conducting searches, surveillance, or other investigative techniques to locate the suspect.

After arresting the defendant, law enforcement will bring them before the court to face the charges outlined in the warrant. The defendant can contest the charges and present a defense during court proceedings.

Miami-Dade County Arrest Warrant Search

When seeking active warrants in Miami-Dade County, individuals can pursue the following options:

  • Speak to the Clerk of Courts: One can contact the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts office, which maintains records of active warrants issued within the county. Information can be requested via phone, email, or in person.
  • Reach out to Law Enforcement Agencies: Another avenue is to contact local law enforcement agencies, such as the Miami-Dade Police Department. Officers can offer assistance in conducting a warrant search or provide direction on where to access relevant information.

Do Miami-Dade County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Arrest warrants in Miami-Dade County remain valid until served or recalled, with no inherent expiration date. The court may recall a warrant due to various circumstances, including new evidence or administrative errors.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
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